Dias past a friend who lives in the U.S., sent me a mail telling me how he had gone on the cruise she did with her husband. in his comment tells me about some PORTFOLIO SAW ON BOARD. (Transcribe their lines)

"Delight because it seems a matter of check boxes, go to the fair, looking for poultry pens, looking for buttons, buy nail painting or anything crazy and beautify the bags are handmade, satin fabric, velvet, leather, whatever comes. Cooked seams by hand, the majority and also stuck others. Use caravans, artificial flowers, stones that are painted with bright nail polish to look like jewels, stones and tiles crumbled feathers. part of necklaces. Shoes and sandals with feather trim and caravans
also makes scarves and shawls silk or velvet, adornandos the last 15 inches of the tips. (Fringes)
saw very original portfolio. Suppose you try first with newspaper. It takes a brilliant bag of potato chips and cut the long strips of, and approx. 1 cm wide. Any magazine paper and glossy photos serve. Each band is going through another - above, below and "intermingle" other colors to a rectangle. It gives you the depth you want and continue to form the lid. I saw one the size of a box of chocolates, pretty flat, closing with a button ... but the tips were deformed, and seemed to be lifted like wings. For my taste needed two buttons, one to the left and one on the right.
Very, very new and the bag was armed thing that can be read, for example, "potato" or see part of a warning. Then when finished emptying the bag I hope to find the name of the "artist." Would not it be Mary Frances?
I hope you understand what I explain ... I did not think searching for "boutique crafts ".... "
also makes scarves and shawls silk or velvet, adornandos the last 15 inches of the tips. (Fringes)
saw very original portfolio. Suppose you try first with newspaper. It takes a brilliant bag of potato chips and cut the long strips of, and approx. 1 cm wide. Any magazine paper and glossy photos serve. Each band is going through another - above, below and "intermingle" other colors to a rectangle. It gives you the depth you want and continue to form the lid. I saw one the size of a box of chocolates, pretty flat, closing with a button ... but the tips were deformed, and seemed to be lifted like wings. For my taste needed two buttons, one to the left and one on the right.
Very, very new and the bag was armed thing that can be read, for example, "potato" or see part of a warning. Then when finished emptying the bag I hope to find the name of the "artist." Would not it be Mary Frances?
I hope you understand what I explain ... I did not think searching for "boutique crafts ".... "
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