As there are many knitters who love cats as I do, I present, in case you did not know him (I confess that I was one), this English artist. As I said the first time I heard the name of this comic was through the column on art "Eye x Eye" by Gustavo Fernandez back in the month of August.

Wain was famous in his time, drawing cats sitting reading the newspaper, with a lens, playing cards ... etc. The characterization of Wain's cats was so famous in his time that even HG Wells once said: "The English cats that do not resemble those of Wain ashamed of themselves." His obsession with cats arose from the death of his wife, who entertained in nursing teaching your cat Peter to pose as if reading the paper and lens wear, while Wain into sketches.
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At 26 years and 3 years married his wife died of cancer. It is during this period are Peter, a cat with his wife comforting. He wrote then: "He really belongs to the foundation of my career, the developments of my initial efforts and the establishment of my work." You can recognize much Peter of their initial work. He worked nearly 30 years in children's books, magazines, postcards, etc. ... producing hundreds of drawings a year. Mainly drawing anthropomorphic cats, often parodying and satirizing human behavior different fashions. He said about it: "I have a notebook to a restaurant, or other public place, and drawing people in different positions but as cats, resembling as much as possible to their human characteristics. This gives me two naturally, and these studies I think are my best work is humorous. "
always had bad touch for business and had to keep his 5 sisters and her mother. Then in 1907 travels to New York where he draws some comics but fails because while it was much admired, it sinks its critical gaze over the city. Returning to London, (his mother died during his absence), begins to develop schizophrenia. Who once was a quiet man, well educated, he became hostile, especially against their sisters. He began to walk wandering around the streets at night, rearranging furniture in the house, and spent time in his room writing incoherently.
When her sisters could not take care of him, he was interned in a mental hospital. Soon the situation in the newspapers, making involving figures like HG Wells and the Prime Minister. Is transferred from hospital to hospital until they found a high level, with a garden and a colony of cats. He spent his last 15 years there, in peace. Continued drawing for pleasure, work in this period is marked by bright colors, flowers and intricate abstract patterns, even the primary issue was always the same.
A group of his paintings are commonly used as an example in psychology texts, to show the change in style and progressive psychological distress. However, it is not known if these jobs were created in the order they are presented as Wain put no date on its work. Psychologists put to increasing abstraction as a symptom of schizophrenia, others argue that these drawings only memories painted on fabric patterns that I saw during his childhood in the factory where his mother worked.
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Read more: http://elmaullidodelgato
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At 26 years and 3 years married his wife died of cancer. It is during this period are Peter, a cat with his wife comforting. He wrote then: "He really belongs to the foundation of my career, the developments of my initial efforts and the establishment of my work." You can recognize much Peter of their initial work. He worked nearly 30 years in children's books, magazines, postcards, etc. ... producing hundreds of drawings a year. Mainly drawing anthropomorphic cats, often parodying and satirizing human behavior different fashions. He said about it: "I have a notebook to a restaurant, or other public place, and drawing people in different positions but as cats, resembling as much as possible to their human characteristics. This gives me two naturally, and these studies I think are my best work is humorous. "
always had bad touch for business and had to keep his 5 sisters and her mother. Then in 1907 travels to New York where he draws some comics but fails because while it was much admired, it sinks its critical gaze over the city. Returning to London, (his mother died during his absence), begins to develop schizophrenia. Who once was a quiet man, well educated, he became hostile, especially against their sisters. He began to walk wandering around the streets at night, rearranging furniture in the house, and spent time in his room writing incoherently.
When her sisters could not take care of him, he was interned in a mental hospital. Soon the situation in the newspapers, making involving figures like HG Wells and the Prime Minister. Is transferred from hospital to hospital until they found a high level, with a garden and a colony of cats. He spent his last 15 years there, in peace. Continued drawing for pleasure, work in this period is marked by bright colors, flowers and intricate abstract patterns, even the primary issue was always the same.
A group of his paintings are commonly used as an example in psychology texts, to show the change in style and progressive psychological distress. However, it is not known if these jobs were created in the order they are presented as Wain put no date on its work. Psychologists put to increasing abstraction as a symptom of schizophrenia, others argue that these drawings only memories painted on fabric patterns that I saw during his childhood in the factory where his mother worked.
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Read more: http://elmaullidodelgato
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